Community & Economic Development

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The Community and Economic Development Department staff provides assistance to all units of local government in the KRADD region in the project development and planning process.  The process includes taking a concept through the planning process to include project development, finding the right funding scenario, writing grant and loan applications, conducting environmental reviews, technical assistance and providing the needed project management services.

Economic Development

Staff works with Regional Industrial Authorities, all units of local government and economic development professionals to assist in bringing economic development projects and job opportunities throughout the District.  Administrative assistance is provided to three Regional Business Parks and Regional Industrial Authorities in our area.  Staff works with local officials and organizations in the development of potential industrial sites and recruitment of industries to the existing Regional Business Parks.

The Gateway Industrial Park located in Jenkins, Kentucky serves Letcher County, Knott County, Pike County and Floyd County (

The Coal Fields Industrial Park is located in Perry County, Kentucky and serves Perry County, Breathitt County, Harlan County, Leslie County and Knott County (

The Pine Ridge Industrial Park is located in Wolfe County and serves Wolfe County, Lee County, Breathitt County, Owsley County and Powell County.  (ADD Industrial Board Links in current KRADD Webpage)

Staff works very closely with city and county elected officials and community partners in developing a regional Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy.  This document is developed annually and provides a metric for evaluating the success of community and economic development in the Kentucky River ADD region. Download the Document (ADD LINK)

Community Development

KRADD Staff works closely with local governments in writing grants and loans to fund water and sewer projects, senior centers, community centers, projects to provide housing to low-to-moderate income citizens, etc.  Once funding is approved staff provides project administration and technical assistance including financial management of the project. 

Hazard Mitigation

KRADD staff works with units of local government, emergency managers, FEMA, Kentucky Emergency Managers and local citizens in developing a Hazard Mitigation Plan.   The plan addresses natural disaster events in the KRADD region.  A link to the Full Plan will be available soon.  The plan is updated every 5 years.  A Regional Hazard Mitigation Committee consisting of local leaders, emergency managers and public and private stakeholders oversees and directs the planning process.

Public Administration Specialist

The Public Administration Specialist (PAS) maintains working relationships with local elected officials and special districts. The PAS provides technical assistance in many different areas such as procurement, planning, budgets, legislative tracking, resolutions, financial administration, and most other matters of governance.   The PAS provides assistance with Area Development Fund, Land and Water Conservation Fund, Recreational Trails grant program, Community Facilities Grant Program and Homeland Security Grants.

Area Development Fund

Area Development Fund (ADF) was established to fund capital projects which contribute to community and industrial development.  This can include equipment purchases, infrastructure improvements, real estate purchases, and construction and renovation projects.   City and County governments can apply for funding.  The KRADD Board of Directors must review and approve the application.

Tax Rate Calculations

KRADD Staff provides assistance in annual tax rate calculations to units of local governments.

Personnel Policies Assistance

KRADD staff is available to assist local units of government in establishing personnel policies and revising personnel policies.

Budget Assistance

KRADD staff is available to units of local government in preparing their annual operating budgets.

Grant Assistance

The KRADD PAS staff provides assistance in obtaining funding from various grants to help in community projects.  Some of the funding sources available are:

  • Land and Water Conservation Fund
  • Recreation Trails Program
  • Community Facilities Grant/Loan
  • Homeland Security Grant
  • Area Development Fund
  • Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant

Staff continually research for and assist with grant opportunities to help our communities grow and become stronger and economically competitive.


KRADD Staff works with communities and local leaders in tourism expansion and development.  The tourism opportunities are numerous in the KRADD region from hiking, rock climbing, fishing, elk/deer hunting, ATV trail riding, biking, historic site viewing to civil war reenactments.  The list goes on and on.


Survey Request:

The Kentucky Heritage Council/ State Historic Preservation Office seeks broad public input for the next five-year state historic preservation plan. The Plan will outline broad goals, objectives and strategies for helping preserve historic buildings and sites across the commonwealth. Tell us what preservation tools you as citizens of the Commonwealth need at hand. Tell us what you want to see preserved! What we accomplish in the coming five years depends on what you tell us now. Please click the survey below:

KHC Survey of KY Citizens (